1975 CESSNA 172M

1975 CESSNA 172M
AKC Aviation is proud to present this low total time midwest hangared and based 1975 Cessna Skyhawk 172M. 1975 Total Time, 1975 (SNEW) Lycoming O-320-E2D, U-Avionix ADS-B Out. For more information contact Kent Seaver 815-479-0402.
1975 Total Time
Aircraft Serial # 17264773
876.7 lbs Useful Load
1975 SMOH (Factory New)
Lycoming 0-320E2D
S/N L41039-27A
Compressions at last annual 60/72/75/60 over 80
McCauley Propeller
Model #1C160/DTM7553
S/N 725813
898 SPOH
King KMA20 Audio Panel
King KX170B Nav/Com
King KX170B Nav/Com
King KT76A Transponder
King KR86 ADF
Avionics Master Switch
U-Avionix ADS-B Out
Complete Airframe and Engine Logbooks Since New
LED Landing Light
No Known Damage History
38 Gals Fuel
Midwest based and Hangered
Not a Trainer!
Maintenance and Remarks
Complete Engine and Airframe Logbooks Since New
Useful Load 876.7 lbs
Annual Completed July 2021
IFR/Transponder Check Last Completed July 2020